Jaw Pain & Neck Pain & Headaches, oh my!
Managing Low Back Pain | Akridge & Akridge Chiropractic
A recent study on Acetaminophen (Tylenol) found that it is NOT effective for acute low back pain. In addition, Paracetamolis ineffective for acute LBP even for patients who comply with treatment. This reinforces the notion that management of acute LBP should focus on providing patients advice and reassurance without the addition of paracetamol.
Benefits Of Resistance Strength Training | Akridge & Akridge Chiropractic
Did you know that on average we lose about 15% of our muscle strength per decade after the age of 50?
Professional Athletes Endorse Chiropractic Care | Akridge & Akridge Chiropractic
Washington Nationals pitcher Max Scherzer talks about how chiropractic care got him ready to go for Game 7 of the World Series:
Benefits Of Optimism | Akridge & Akridge Chiropractic
Stay positive! You might just live longer!
A recent study found that “optimism was significantly associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular events.”