Call us: 402-884-4774. Or schedule an appointment for Bellevue or Elkhorn online.
Our Bellevue office
3811 Twin Creek Dr #102
Our Elkhorn/West Omaha office
1529 S. 203rd Street #103

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Symptoms | Akridge & Akridge Chiropractic

Jaw Pain & Neck Pain & Headaches, oh my! 

Recent research found that over half of people with Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) also had severe headaches and/or neck pain. 
The good news is that spinal manipulation combined with exercises is effective not only for neck pain and headaches, but for patients with chronic TMD. 
Give us a call today for a personalized treatment plan for your pain! 402-884-4774
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Source: Plesh O, Adams SH, Gansky SA (2011) Temporomandibular Joint and Muscle Disorder (TMJMD)-type pain and Co-morbid pains in a National US Sample. J Orofac Pain 25:190
Source: Corum M, Basoglu C, Topaloglu M, Dıracoglu D, Aksoy C. Spinal high-velocity low-amplitude manipulation with exercise in women with chronic temporomandibular disorders. Manuelle Medizin. 2018 Jun 1;56(3):230-8. Link