How is that so?
If you have a misalignment of the spine, you most likely have hypertonic muscles and irritated tissues in that area. The "yucky stuff" (neurotransmitters) that build up in those tissues inappropriately spill over into the neighboring nerves that feed the organs and other tissues in that spinal segment. This might affect the messages that are being delivered by the nervous system to those organs and tissues. For the brainiacs and insomniacs out there, try Googling "facilitated segment theory," "Korr," or "Gatterman-Goe model for myofascial pain."
We can't guarantee we will cure these or any condition, but if your son had a spinal misalignment right over the nerves that supply his bladder, and he had problems bedwetting, wouldn't you want that misalignment removed?
Now accepting CareCredit

Akridge & Akridge Chiropractic is now offering CareCredit to patients to pay their bills.
The CareCredit credit card account can be used for yourself, your family, even your pets. It is accepted by chiropractors, veterinarians, dentists, optometrists and other health care professionals.
To get your CareCredit card, please
click here to fill out your application online.
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4. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Tennessee study. Go to for article.
5. Bart N. Green, DC, MSEd, Claire D. Johnson, DC, MSEd, Anthony J. Lisi, DC, and John Tucker, PhD. Chiropractic practice in military and veterans health care: The state of the literature. J Can Chiropractic Assoc. 2009 August; 53(3): 194–204.
6. Lantz, Charles A. Immobilization Degeneration and the Fixation Hypothesis of Chiropractic Subluxations. Chiro Res J 1988, 1 (1) Spring: 21-46.