Back Pain In Children & Adolescents | Akridge & Akridge Chiropractic
Kids are experiencing back and neck pain now more than ever.
Read here to learn ways to help your child!
Kids are experiencing back and neck pain now more than ever.
Read here to learn ways to help your child!
According to a new survey, there are currently over 100,000 chiropractors in the world!
There is a lot of information about back pain online, some accurate, and some inaccurate…
Here are 2 common MYTHS we hear about back pain that might surprise you:
Your lower back is made up of five blocks of bone (vertebra) stacked on top of each other with a shock absorbing “disc” in between each level for flexibility. The larger front of the vertebra is called the “body”. The back of each vertebra is formed by two smaller bony columns (one on each side), capped with smooth joints called “facets”. Each vertebra rests on the one below in a “tripod” sort of fashion with the disc in front, and the facet joints in the back. The diagnosis of “facet syndrome” means that your facet joints have become irritated and inflamed. This problem can arise from sprains, strains, or joints that are not moving properly. Patients are more likely to develop facet syndrome if they have suffered an injury, overuse their back, have arthritis, or are overweight.
Standing workstations are becoming more popular and for good reason. Sitting for prolonged periods of time is proven to be detrimental to our overall health.
Consider these tips to improve your posture while working at a standing desk: