Muscular training helps prevent ligament tears
A reminder for National Physical Education and Sports Week, May 1-7 : To keep your kids safe from sports injuries, especially ligament tears, make sure that a neuromuscular training program is part of their overall training and practice program.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the program because doctors say these injuries are becoming more common in young athletes – especially girls.
The AAP issued a report that detailed the risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears, and gives information to medical professionals on how to diagnose and treat them.
Youths playing football, soccer, basketball and gymnastics can tear an ACL when they land wrong on their leg, stop quickly, collide with another player or quickly change direction. Girls are at a higher risk because growth during puberty puts additional force on knee joins. Boys gain muscular coordination and strength during this time, but girls usually do not.
Akridge & Akridge Chiropractic can give your athletes stretches and other warm-up advice to keep them healthy while playing. We can help treat sports injuries, too. Give us a call at 402-884-4774 to set up an appointment.