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Our Bellevue office
3811 Twin Creek Dr #102
Our Elkhorn/West Omaha office
1529 S. 203rd Street #103
Elkhorn Chiropractor Blog

Pinpointing Pain


Many patients who experience a painful injury try to pinpoint it to a recent event. They try to think of something specific they did that caused them to wake up in pain. However, more often than not, it was likely multiple little things that add up over time and one day peak in intense pain.

A comparable analogy would be a cavity. When you finally get a cavity, you don’t think it was the result of eating one particular piece of candy. It was usually caused by small actions over time. Similarly, it’s repeated events that you don’t notice causing an issue until they reach their breaking point and cause enough pain that you need to come in.

Through our in-depth assessments, we’re able to help patients identify old sports injuries, car accidents, daily repetitive motions or other events that may be a contributing factor to the pain you’re experiencing.

Although our minds may have forgotten all of the events that our bodies incur, our bodies have not. We’re here to help your body become more resilient and to help you Live Better. Schedule an appointment today at 402.884.4774!