Lumbar Disc Herniation & Conservative Care | Akridge & Akridge Chiropractic
A recent study found that 90% of patients with lumbar disc herniation had an improvement in both symptoms AND function with conservative care — like what’s provided in our office!
As an added bonus, these patients also had a reduction in the size of herniation – without surgery!
Take a look at this video for more information about lumbar disc herniation. If you’re suffering from a disc herniation, give our office a call to see how our care can help. 📞 402-884-4774
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Source: Pak J Med Sci. 2019 Jul-Aug;35(4):974-980. doi: 10.12669/pjms.35.4.346.
Spontaneous regression of extruded lumbar disc herniation: Correlation with clinical outcome. Kesikburun B et al.